In addition to supporting our clients, Inform works to support the wider fields and communities we work within. We share our work regularly through publications, presentations, and engagement with professional colleagues via committees and other networks.
We regularly publish about our work in peer-reviewed journals, books, and other venues.
Sharing our work with professional and academic communities is an important part of Inform’s mission. Some of our recent and forthcoming publications are highlighted below. Please contact us for more information about any of these publications.
Johnson, B., Mileham, M., Shutler, M., Segura, A., Person, D., & Schmidt, A. (2024). Evaluating long-term impacts of Oregon Zoo’s zoo apprenticeship program. International Zoo Educators Association Journal. Read the article here.
Murray, M., Spinks, H., Besen-Cassino, Y., Emery, E., Johnson, B., Nunez Perez, E., Yang, Y., Lopatto, D., Goodey, N. M., Tuninga, A. R. (2024). Breaking barriers: Female and Hispanic undergraduate students experience gains in self-confidence and tolerance for obstacles during a sustainability-centered internship program in the USA. Journal of Environmental Studies. Read the article here.
Ballard, H. L., Lindell, A., & Jadallah, C. C. (2024). Environmental education outcomes of community and citizen science: a systematic review of empirical research. Environmental Education Research, 30(6). Preview the article here.
Kubarek, J., Ogden, J. Rutherford, A., Grow, S., and V. Searles. (2023). The AZA social science research agenda 2020: How the social sciences can help people and wildlife thrive together. In J. Fraser, J. Heimlich, & K. Riedinger (Eds.), Zoos and Aquariums in the Public Mind. Springer Nature. Order the book here.
Johnson, B., Thomas, S., Ardoin, N., Saunders, M., & Dunifon, S. (2023). Recent research on informal science learning at zoos and aquariums: A review of the literature. In J. Fraser, J. Heimlich, & K. Riedinger (Eds.), Zoos and Aquariums in the Public Mind. Springer Nature. Order the book here.
Kubarek, J. & Johnson, B. (2022). A model for developing evaluation literacy in informal science educators. Journal of Informal Science and Environmental Learning. Read the article here.
Kubarek, J., & Johnson, B. (2021). Real-world connections to conservation science through zoos and aquariums. In D. Farland-Smith (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Student, Scientist, and Teacher Partnerships. IGI Global. Preview the chapter here.
Wong, M., Kubarek, J., & Johnson, B. (2020). Lessons learned from a relationship-based school partnership model for conservation action. International Zoo Educators Association Journal, 56. Download the issue here.
Kubarek, J. (2019). Making the unfamiliar familiar: Zoo and aquarium educators leveraging novelty and curiosity. In P. Katz & L. Avraamidou (Eds.), Stability and Change in Science Education: Meeting Basic Learning Needs. Brill Publishing. Preview the book here.
Aloisio, J., Johnson, B., Lewis, J. D., Munshi-South, J., Clark, J. A., Roberts, S., Wasserman, D., Heimlich, J., & Tingley, K. (2018). Pre-college urban ecology research mentoring: Promoting broader participation in the field of ecology for an urban future. Journal of Urban Ecology, 4(1). Read the article here.
Kubarek, J. (2017). The need and timeliness of preparing informal science educators. In Preparing Informal Science Educators (pp. 577-593). Springer. Preview the chapter here.
Dupuis, J. & Ludwig-Palit, D. (2016). Simulation for Authentic Learning in Informal Education, Journal of Museum Education, 41(2), pp. 91-99. Preview the article here.
Kubarek, J. (2015). Building staff capacity to evaluate in museum education. Journal of Museum Education, 40(1), pp.1-5. Preview the article here.
Joy Kubarek presenting (virtually) at the 2020 Association for Zoos and Aquariums Annual Conference.
The Inform team regularly shares expertise and evaluation and research findings at conferences and meetings. Our recent presentations include:
Johnson, B. (moderator). (September 2024). Ten recent projects advancing the AZA Social Science Research Agenda. Association of Zoos and Aquariums 2024 Conference, Calgary, Canada.
Kubarek, J., Johnson, B., Smith, L., & Wimberly, B. (July 2023). Harnessing the voice of young adults in guided nature experiences. Visitor Studies Association 2023 Virtual Conference.
Johnson, B., Bankey, L., Owens, J., & Bumpous, R. (August 2022). The next phase of conservation work at zoos and aquariums: Monitoring and evaluation. Association of Zoos and Aquariums 2022 Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Lindell, A., Nageotte, N., Seger, L., & Copeland, M. (August 2022). Environmental and science identities: How AZA programs support developing youth identities. Association of Zoos and Aquariums 2022 Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Kubarek, J. (September 2021). From theory to practice: A closer look at co-design in process. Association of Zoos and Aquariums 2021 Conference, virtual.
Kubarek, J. (September 2021). A call to action: The importance of research and evaluation in DEI efforts. Association of Zoos and Aquariums 2021 conference, virtual.
Ogden, J., Kubarek, J., Cranston, K., Grow, S., Searles, V. (September 2020). Building a social science research agenda. Association of Zoos and Aquariums 2020 Conference, virtual.
Johnson, B., Dieterling, L., Kiser, K., Norton, S., & Aloisio, J. (September 2019). Evaluating teen programs at zoos and aquariums: Finding the “secret sauce” to maximize engagement and learning. Association of Zoos and Aquariums 2019 Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Johnson, B., McReynolds, S., Allgeier, K., Seger, L., Parsons, C. (September 2019). Little kids, big impact! Early childhood learning outcomes at zoos and aquariums. Association of Zoos and Aquariums 2019 Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Johnson, B., Khalil, K., & Heimlich, J. (July 2019). Evaluation for all: Looking beyond traditional uses of program evaluation. Invited keynote presentation at the National Marine Educators Association 2019 Conference, Long Beach, CA.
Kubarek, J. & McCann, E. (June 2016). Programming for behavior change and connection to nature from definition to design. Conservation Psychology Institute, Antioch University.
Kubarek, J. (March 2015). Parallels and divergences in assessing science learning across contexts. National Science Education Leadership Association Professional Development Institute, Chicago, IL.
Kubarek, J. (October 2015). Building capacity for research and evaluation by informal science educators. Featured presenter for the Informal Science Education Symposium, San Diego Zoo Global, San Diego, CA.
The Inform team stays active in a range of associations to give back to our professional communities.
Contributing to our professional communities keeps us inspired and offers opportunities to advance our own learning. Our professional associations include:
Association of Zoos and Aquariums Commercial Member
Association of Zoos and Aquariums Research and Technology Committee
Association of Zoos and Aquariums Conservation Education Committee
Association of Zoos and Aquariums Social Science Research and Evaluation Scientific Advisory Group
International Zoo Educators Association Associate Member
National Association for Research in Science Teaching Member
National Science Teachers Association Member
New England Museum Association Member
North American Association for Environmental Education Member
Visitor Studies Association Member
Peer reviewer for Environmental Education Research, Zoo Biology, Journal of Museum Education, and Curator
Lincoln Park Zoo Institutional Review Board Member